How to Check Your Moles at Home

What Is a Mole (melanocytic nevus)?

First of all, moles are a very common skin growth. You will see moles pop up with the more sun you are exposed to especially if you get a sunburn. This is a good place to note again that too much sun exposure can harm your skin. Children especially should be shielded from getting sunburns.
Sun tanning booths are much more detrimental. I know this is common knowledge, but it’s always worth mentioning.
The common mole is not terribly unhealthy, but we worry about those moles that have an abnormal shape or especially if they change shapes as time goes on. We like to take a good look at those moles because it is these that can lead to malignant melanoma which will require mole removal services. It’s not just the size of it we are concerned with but also the quantity of moles you have all together. The more moles you have on your body, the more likely you will be to have future skin problems.

How to Check a Mole

When you’re at home and concerned about a mole, just remember your ABC’s. Well, your “A through E’s”.

  • Asymmetry: Is one half of the mole different from the other half?
  • Border: Is the border or edges of the mole ragged, blurred, or smudgy?
  • Color: Does the mole have different colors such as black, blue, white, or red?
  • Diameter: Is the diameter of the mole larger than the diameter of a pencil?
  • Evolving: Is your mole changing in size, color or shape? Does it look different than others?

If you are noticing any of these aspects, give us a call at High Valley Dermatology today so we can take a look at it. If you need mole removal services, we will get you set up with an appointment. Check your moles at least every 3 months. You may need someone to help you, but remember to check your back, back of the neck and scalp. 

Read further about mole removal services at
High Valley Dermatology.

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